Skip to main content Best Cloud Torrenting Client For Free And For Paid Users.. or : Best Cloud Torrent Provider Most people download torrents with desktop clients or mobile app such as bitTorrent and uTorrent. Seedr takes torrenting into the cloud thats help me a lot with my problem when downloading with desktop clients. As a computer person, I always download bunch of stuffs online, especially downloading from torrents such as games, movies and other stuffs for free. Torrent sites such as PirateBay, 1337x, YIFY are some example of torrent websites. It may seems that the torrent peer-to-peer file transfer is slow compared to directly download especially when the torrent you want to download has low seeders. Since I like searching stuffs online, when I wanted to download from torrent and the download was so slow for me with desktop clients, I decided to search for torrent to direct download. Here where I knew about torrent to cloud storage Seedr. There are other site such as Zbigz but as I know they only provide 1GB for free user unlike seedr, you’ll have 2GB which is much more bigger as HD Movies that can be downloaded via torrent are more or like 1GB+. Seedr provided a Very Fast video Streaming Site, you can Seed the Large Files at a High Speed so that you can get the files immediately on the Cloud Storage which Saves Your Time unlike when you download with desktop client. The Files You get from torrent is Stays on the Cloud Storage of the Seedr Server. Seedr uses high level encryption to keep you away from Malwares and Viruses, So it’s All Safe to Use Seedr. The Site Keeps You Anonymous so that any Internet Service Provider or any Govt. Agency will Unable to Track You. Seedr is Versatile and Mobile Friendly, You can Stream any Videos, Movies, Music or Books on any Devices. There is an APP for All the Mobile Devices so don’t need to Stuck on Computer, It also Works on All mobile Devices. Seedr really helps me alot and It was the best for me as they provide free services with larger possible storage.
